How to defeat varicose veins in the legs: treatment with folk remedies

Varicose veins on the legs and alternative medicine. Is there any effectiveness of such therapy, what methods and recipes are used for such relief of the symptoms of the disease.

Modern medicine has "stepped" far ahead and built great hopes for a quick and effective disposal of many diseases. However, even with such an impressive breakthrough, there are always people who prefer alternative therapies.

Lightness in the legs after the treatment of varicose veins with folk methods

With varicose veins, such a moment is primarily associated with the reluctance to "go under the knife. "It is understandable, a long recovery period, possible complications and the risk of recurrence of the disease - all this is mixed in the patient's head, which, as a result, leads to a delay in visiting a doctor and self-treatment.

It should be noted right away that this approach is initially doomed to failure, because the lack of medical care only aggravates the clinical severity. To date, there are painless safe procedures for surgical treatment, as well as methods of conservative therapy.

Alternative medicine is also very effective, but only in combination with the right treatment. What is the danger of varicose veins in the legs, the treatment of which, with an unreasonable approach, can lead to complications.

We treat varicose veins with natural ingredients: effective medicinal plants

Alternative methods of treating varicose veins are especially effective in the early stages of the development of the disease or in the postoperative recovery period. Also, such therapy is applicable in more advanced situations to provide symptomatic relief.

With proper preparation and use of folk recipes, the following positive effects are exerted:

  • good anti-inflammatory effect;
  • swelling of the legs and pain in the affected area decreases;
  • blood circulation is normalized, venous blood stagnation is eliminated;
  • the blood wall becomes more elastic and elastic;
  • heaviness in the legs disappears;
  • spider veins, as well as dilated veins bulging on the skin, become smaller;
  • vascular permeability decreases;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the course of the disease is greatly facilitated and thereby the risk of complications is prevented.

Plant extracts are useful in many diseases. Extracts are widely used in pharmaceuticals, because they have a number of valuable elements.

Some homeopathic ointments, gels, tinctures, etc. , prepared at the factory, are in no way ahead of the healing properties of ordinary homemade folk medicines, so why overpay if you can prepare the medicine yourself.

So, to facilitate the choice of plants in this case, let's conditionally divide them into 4 groups:

  1. Antiplatelet agents or otherwise blood-thinning:
    • fern;
    • raspberry and strawberry leaves;
    • sagebrush;
    • chamomile;
    • butterbur;
    • gentian;
    • spiraea;
    • chamomile;
    • comfrey;
    • peony root.
  2. Relieving pain:
    • geranium;
    • clover;
    • birch buds;
    • sweet clover;
    • licorice;
    • celandine;
    • corydalis;
    • willow bark;
    • ginger;
    • elmous meadowsweet.
  3. Improving blood circulation:
    • aloe;
    • acacia;
    • licorice;
    • lilac leaves;
    • sage;
    • lime color;
    • thigh.
  4. Strengthening blood vessels:
    • Birch buds;
    • valerian;
    • chestnut;
    • hawthorn;
    • marsh cinquefoil;
    • cudweed;
    • dill.

The most popular remedies for varicose veins on the legs:

  • horse chestnut;
  • woodlice;
  • cabbage;
  • sagebrush;
  • kalanchoe;
  • white willow bark;
  • celandine.

Attention:many patients are in no hurry to go to a specialist, but this is wrong. At the appointment, the doctor will be able to assess the severity of the condition, prescribe a diagnosis and treatment. He will also advise on the possibility of using folk methods in a particular situation, because an integrated approach to treatment is to get ahead of the enemy by at least two steps.

Medicinal plants in the fight against varicose veins in the legs

Horse chestnut in the fight against disease

Horse chestnut has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the strength of capillaries and reduces their permeability. Eliminates edema by removing excess water from the body. Helps relieve pressure on the veins and thereby eliminate leg fatigue and soreness.

Instructions for preparing horse chestnut tincture are as follows:

  1. You need to take 50 g of plant inflorescences and pour them with 1 liter of alcohol or vodka.
  2. After two weeks of infusion and daily shaking, use 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals.
  3. The course of therapy is a week, after which a break is made for 5 days, and then chestnut therapy is repeated.
  4. Store the finished product in a cool place.

Also, this remedy can be used for daily rubbing of painful areas.

Horse chestnut used to make a healing tincture for varicose veins

Cabbage leaf - the enemy will not go unnoticed

What disease is not afraid of a cabbage leaf?

Yes, almost none, because it is a universal remedy in the fight against many pathologies. Such popularity of the product was caused by its numerous medicinal properties, which are due to vitamins and trace elements contained in cabbage leaves.

This efficiency is expressed in the following properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • wound healing;
  • regenerating;
  • restorative;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • diuretic.

Such a remedy for varicose veins on the legs is usually used in the form of a compress. To do this, you need to slightly roll out or beat off the cabbage leaf, grease one side with vegetable oil and attach to the inflamed vein.

Then fix the sheet with a bandage and walk with such a compress all day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Cabbage leaf compress will help get rid of varicose veins on the legs

Apple cider vinegar: effective remedy or myth?

A popular folk remedy for VRV is apple cider vinegar. The effectiveness of this tool is due to the following useful properties:

  • the tone of the skin increases;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • blood vessels are strengthened, the walls become elastic;
  • reduces swelling and pain in the legs.

This is due to the composition of the product, which contains more than 20 useful trace elements, vitamins and minerals.

The use of apple cider vinegar is carried out according to the following recipes:

  1. Dilute 1 tsp. essences with 1 tbsp. l. clean water and drink this remedy in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Mix 1 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 liter of water, and then simply rinse your feet with the solution. After that, you need to let the skin dry naturally.
  3. Soak a cotton pad in the essence and rub the product into problem areas.
  4. Make healing wraps. It is necessary to moisten a piece of gauze or cloth in an acetic solution, attach it to the inflamed veins, wrap it with polyethylene and wrap it with a blanket on top. Perform in the morning and evening, the duration of the procedure is from 20 to 40 minutes.

The price of such a tool is inexpensive, but it will be better if you prepare a natural product at home.

Apple cider vinegar is extremely effective in the treatment of varicose veins of the legs.

Recipes for natural ointments

Preparing homemade foot ointment is as easy as shelling pears, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations. They differ from their "relatives" of industrial preparation in their 100% naturalness, budget, efficiency and ease of use.

In order to make such a medicine at home, you just need to stock up on the necessary ingredients and a little patience.

Preparation of homemade ointment:

Recipe Name

It will take

Cooking method

Herbal ointment

  • chopped fresh comfrey root - 10 tbsp. l;
  • acacia (flowers) - 2 tbsp. l;
  • dry comfrey leaves - 2 tbsp. l. ;
  • chestnut flowers - 2 tbsp. l;
  • melted nutria fat - 4 tbsp. l.

All herbs are mixed and filled with fat. Then the container is placed on a slow fire for 3 hours.

After that, the ointment is filtered and poured into a jar with a lid. The application is carried out in the form of applying the medicine to a piece of gauze and applying it to the diseased areas.

The procedures are carried out 5 times, after which a break is made for two weeks.

Based on olive oil

  • olive oil - 150 ml;
  • beeswax - 100 g;
  • propolis - 20 g;
  • resin of any tree - 100 g;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.

Mix resin, wax and oil in a metal container and bring the mixture to a boil in a water bath.

Duration of cooking - 1 hour. Then put honey in a container and leave on fire for 10 minutes, then add propolis and also boil for another 10 minutes.

This is the final stage, at the end of which the ointment is placed in a glass vessel and cooled.

Garlic ointment

  • butter;
  • garlic cloves - 35 pcs.

Garlic is crushed and mixed with butter in a ratio of 2: 1.

Based on lard

  • melted pork fat;
  • liquid laundry soap;
  • aloe juice;
  • honey;
  • onion juice;
  • ointment based on ichtammol;
  • balsamic liniment.

All ingredients must be taken 1 tbsp. l.

Mix all the ingredients and put on low heat, bringing slowly to a boil.

As soon as the first bubbles appear, indicating a heating of about 100 ° C, you need to remove the container with the medicine from the stove, place it in a vessel for future storage and cool.

Natural ointment for varicose veins on the legs, prepared at home

Compresses and rubbing

Treatment of varicose veins on the legs with folk remedies can also be carried out with the help of compresses or rubbing. The effectiveness of this method is associated with a local effect on the skin, through which nutrients penetrate directly to the pathological focus.

In home practice, the following recipes are applicable:

  1. Tomato compress. Preparing this method is quite simple. You need to take a tomato, finely chop it, spread it over a bandage, and then attach it to the painful areas. For stable fixation, you can additionally tie a piece of gauze or other elastic bandage. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours, the number of daily repetitions is 3 times, the possibility of applying the method is every day.
  2. Take a clean leaf of burdock or horseradish and put it on a hot kettle until the optimum temperature is obtained (tolerably hot). The inner side is applied to the affected vein, and a piece of sterile bandage is first placed on the skin. All this is securely fixed. Procedures are best done at night and carried out every other day. The treatment course is 5 times.
  3. Spread honey on the fabric in an even layer, apply a compress to sore legs, wrap it with plastic wrap on top, and then with a scarf. The duration of the first procedure is 2 hours, the second and third are at least 4 hours, and the fourth is done all night.
  4. Compress from willow branches. First you need to take the twigs, rinse them well and crush them into small pieces. Then, using a bandage or gauze, fix it on the damaged areas and keep the compress for several hours.
  5. Purchase ordinary cosmetic clay and dilute it with cool water until a liquid consistency is obtained (should resemble sour cream). Apply it to all affected areas of the legs, wrap it with a wide bandage or clean gauze, then apply another layer of clay, then a layer of gauze, etc. in this sequence until you get "clay boots" 1. 5 cm thick. Wrap the whole thingcanvas fabric to absorb moisture, and on top with a woolen scarf. In the final stage, you need to lie down for 3 hours in such a position that the legs are in an elevated position. After this time, the compress is removed, and the legs are thoroughly washed. After the second such procedure, you can notice a visible effect in the form of resorption of the nodes and elimination of pain.

Rubbing is also very useful in diseases:

  1. Kalanchoe tincture will perfectly help with a feeling of heaviness and burning in the legs. For this, a pure plant and vodka (alcohol can be used) are taken in a ratio of 1: 1. After letting the remedy brew for 10-14 days, rub her legs until the venous pattern disappears completely.
  2. Walnut tincture. Prepared from green walnuts (previously crushed) in combination with olive oil. Homemade medicine is aged in the sun for 40 days, and then problem areas are lubricated with it.
  3. Pour lilac leaves with 1 bottle of vodka and infuse the solution for 2 weeks. Then use for rubbing for a month and a half.

Also, for rubbing, you can use the fruits of a rare maclura tree, which grows in the southern regions. Internal use is strictly prohibited, because the juice is poisonous, but for external use in the form of an alcohol tincture, crushed fruits will be very useful.

With varicose veins in the legs, it is recommended to do compresses to eliminate pain

Types of folk medicine for internal use

This type of treatment most often involves the preparation of medicinal tinctures and decoctions.

At home, you can experiment with the following alternative medicine recipes:

  1. For cooking, you will need crushed dry flowers or fruits of chestnut, yarrow, chamomile flowers, raspberry root in equal proportions. From the finished collection you need to take 2 tbsp. l. and pour them with 600 ml of boiling water, put on a slow fire and bring to a boil, then immediately remove from the stove. After insisting the solution all night, consume ¾ cup daily in the morning and evening.
  2. Garlic tincture. Grind 4 heads of garlic and 4 unpeeled lemons with a meat grinder or blender. The resulting mass must be transferred to a 3-liter glass jar and pour the mixture with warm boiled water. Infuse the medicine for three days at room temperature, occasionally stirring the contents of the jar. After this time, strain the solution into another container and store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. You need to consume 100 ml 3 times a day during meals or after. A full course of treatment involves the preparation of four such jars of medicinal tincture.
  3. Prepare a collection of crushed dry leaves of dioecious nettle, marshmallow root, yarrow, St. John's wort flowers. Brew 1 tbsp. l. mixture in 1 liter of boiling water and insist until the solution cools completely. Then strain the broth and take half a glass 3-4 times a day after eating. The treatment course is 2-3 weeks, after which the body is given a break for 14 days, then the treatment is repeated again.

Attention:many folk remedies may be contraindicated due to the individual characteristics of the organism, so if there are allergic reactions to any component that is part of the recipe, the use of this method should be abandoned.

A decoction based on chamomile and other useful plants in the diet of patients with varicose veins

Baths as a way to relieve symptoms

After a long tiring day, it's time to relax and therapeutic baths will be very useful. As an alleviation of the symptoms of the disease, you can use such folk recipes for varicose veins on the legs:

  1. Take 500 g of chestnut, oak and willow branches, put in an enameled container and pour cold water over. Bring to a boil and wait another half an hour, then add 200 g of marshwort, St. John's wort, succession and chamomile. This solution should be infused for one night. Before the bath, steam rye bread and pour the broth into the bath along with the previously prepared medicinal solution. Procedures are done every day before going to bed for 30-40 minutes. The water temperature should be 38-43 °C.
  2. Prepare a decoction for the bath from 2 handfuls of willow bark, filled with 5 liters of boiling water. Next, the solution languishes over low heat for another half an hour, and then pours into the bath. Hygiene measures should be carried out in the same way.

It is best to combine folk recipes for varicose veins with daily walks, proper nutrition, therapeutic exercises and wearing the right clothes. In this case, the effectiveness of not only non-traditional, but also drug therapy will increase.

Therapeutic baths to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins in the legs

natural drinks

Freshly squeezed juices are useful not only for the treatment of varicose veins, but also for many other diseases and disorders. They perfectly enrich the body with nutrients that strengthen blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots and increase the body's defenses.

For this purpose, you can prepare such popular juice mixtures:

juice products

Percentage of parts

Beneficial features

Carrots and spinach

10: 6

Carrots contain bioflavonoids, which help reduce vascular fragility and strengthen blood walls. Spinach is rich in oxalic acid, which purifies the blood and prevents the formation of harmful deposits on the walls.

Daily use of this juice saturates the body with vitamins, removes excess water, toxins and toxins, stimulates the processes of lipolysis and has a complex beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Carrots, celery stalks, spinach leaves, parsley leaves

7: 4: 3: 2

Parsley strengthens the vascular wall and protects blood vessels from damage and thinning.

Celery helps in removing excess water and other harmful substances. The preparation of such a mixture will help cleanse the vessels of calcium salts, strengthen them and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Carrots, spinach, beets

10: 3: 3

When drinking juice, there is such a positive effect:

  • pressure stabilizes;
  • excess fluid is removed and puffiness decreases;
  • hematopoietic processes are stimulated;
  • the level of hemoglobin increases;
  • the supply of useful vitamins and minerals is replenished;
  • prevent the development of anemia.

Spinach leaves, greens and turnip roots, watercress

4: 2: 2

When taking a healthy drink, the balance of electrolytes is leveled and metabolism in tissues is enhanced.

The risk of developing hypertension and other vascular complications is reduced. This combination is an excellent option for thinning the blood and dissolving already formed blood clots.

Attention:prepare and take juice daily in the amount of 500 ml. Storage is allowed no more than half an hour, since most of the useful components can disappear upon contact with air.

Natural juices for varicose veins on the legs will strengthen blood vessels and reduce the risk of blood clots

Knowing how to cure varicose veins on the legs with folk remedies, you can significantly alleviate your condition and prevent the symptoms and severity of the disease from worsening. However, watch out for side effects and if any warning signs appear in the form of itching, burning, abdominal pain, etc. , contact your doctor immediately.